Monday, March 14, 2011

Schadenfreude and Sympathy in Shanghai

China's reaction to the unfolding Japanese tragedy has been mixed. On the one hand; an opportunity to display their status as a "great nation" by assisting, and on the other; a sympathetic confliction of emotions as anti-Japanese sentiments collide with the tragedy of the disaster. This article explores how the average Chinese feels about the destruction of their Japanese neighbors....

1 comment:

  1. Last night my father gave me a phone call, one of his routine check ups on me. While telling my father about my studies and how I thought I was progressing in classes a though poopped into my mind: have you heard about Japan. This topic quickly got shot down. I fortunately remembered anything dealing with Japan is not to be mentioned in my family. I knew if I decided to breach the topic with my father, it would send my father into a rant of how badly the Japanese treated our family during WWII. I find this strange in comparison to the young woman's opinion of the Japanese earthquake.
