What happens when a Chinese architect decides he is done wasting his money on the high cost of rent? He builds himself a solar-powered, bamboo egg covered in grass for $1000. Nifty! Unfortunately there is this thing called the Chinese government, and it isn't very found of Dai Haifei's new living arrangements (too environmentally friendly I assume). Haifei's mother and father considered buying their homeless son a house, but they "would have to make payments for 300 years to do so." Maybe he could move in with the old woman who lives in a shoe? Haha :)
This is a clever invention to deal with a serious problem. There is a severe over-crowding problem in China and other developed Asian countries. People are being forced to live in places several sizes too small and paying way too much to live there. This man found a really clever way to deal with one of the problems, now it's up to us to find the solution to the other.