This blog is meant to be a space for the Austin College community to discuss issues related to China and the Chinese language. For author permissions, please write to Dr. Jennifer Thackston Johnson: –at- Austin College is a leading national independent liberal arts college located north of Dallas in Sherman, Texas.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Corrected Blogs
我最喜欢的佳节是元宵节。我住在新加坡的时候我家每年去公园看很多的灯. 我喜欢元宵节因为灯有很多的颜色,很漂亮。我去公园的时候我买了一个灯。常常灯有音乐。我弟弟和妹妹也喜欢元宵节也买了一些灯。我有一张照片我跟龙灯。红色的龙灯很高。我喜欢看最大的灯,可是小灯也很漂亮。在水上有很多的灯!我想新加坡,我也想去灯会公园。
我有很多的朋友,可是我最爱的朋友是我的弟弟,妹妹。我们小的时候常常吵架,可是现在没吵架。。。可能有的时候哈哈。妹妹十六岁,弟弟十四岁。我住在 Dallas,他们住在 Houston 所以我经常想他们。我天天给他们打电话所以我们能聊天儿。我弟弟特别喜欢跟我聊天儿,这让我很高兴。我跟弟弟妹妹一起玩游戏,很好玩儿!我们都非常喜欢唱歌,跳舞,看电视,看电影。我们最喜欢的电影是 Avengers! 我们也用 Facebook 所以我们能聊天儿。
下个一月学期我要去 Washington D.C., London, 和 Malta 这三个地方学民主思想。Austin 大学有两个教授,Nate Bigelow 和 Phil Barker 教政治课。他们和我们一起去。他们要教我们很多不一样的民主思想。所以在 D.C. 我们学美国的民主思想,在 London 学英国的民主思想什么的。我觉得政治很有意思,特别是中国政治,政府。政治非常重要因为影响很多很多人。文化常常跟政治关联。不同的国家有不同的政策,所以我要知道为什么。
一九九一年八月十七日我在 Houston 出生,可是在新加坡长大。我小的时候在新加坡住了八年。我家常常旅行所以现在我非常喜欢国际关系。我去过中国一次。我弟弟妹妹也去过。因为我们住在亚洲我们有很多的亚洲朋友。我们最好的朋友是日本人,叫 Akane. 我也有韩国的朋友。长大以后我经历的文化跟我小时候不一样。这样我现在要学亚洲文化和政治。我觉得中国的文化和政治很有意思因为我在新加坡长大。
我觉得中国人和中国文化非常有意思,所以我在大学学中文。中国人跟美国人一样! 都聪明,都好玩儿,当然都好看!哈哈。我喜欢住在美国的中国人。 我觉得他们很用功。很多我的朋友是中国人,特别是我住在新加坡的时候。很多的美国人觉得中国人比美国人聪明因为中国人在美国常常有很好的工作。我不知道为什么。美国人也觉得日本人聪明。
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Language House Blog
我觉得中国人和中国文化非常有意思,所以我在大学学中国。中国人跟美国人一样! 都聪明,都好玩儿,当然都好看!哈哈。我喜欢中国人住在美国。 我觉得他们很用功。很多我的朋友是中国人,特别我住在新加坡的时候。很多的美国人觉得中国人比美国人聪明因为中国人在美国常常有很到的工作。我不知道为什么。美国人也觉得日本人都聪明。
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
我有很多的朋友,可是我的最爱的朋友是我的弟弟,妹妹。我们小的时候常常吵架,可是现在没吵架。。。可能有的时候哈哈。妹妹十六岁,弟弟十四岁。我住在 Dallas,他们住在 Houston 所以我平常想你们。我天天给他们打电话所以我们能谈谈。我弟弟特别喜欢跟我谈谈,让我很高兴。我跟妹妹弟弟很好玩儿!我们都非常喜欢唱歌,跳舞,看电视,看电影。我们最喜欢的电影是 Avengers! 我们也用 Facebook 所以我们能谈谈。
Monday, October 24, 2011
Stricter Food Law Enforcement
宣誓: xuan1 shi4: vow
正式发言/正式發言: zheng4 shi4 fa1 yan2: official statement
忍受: ren3 shou4: endure
合理: he2 li3: fair
严格/嚴格: yan2 ge2: strict
权力/權力: quan2 li4: authority
严重罚款/嚴重罰款: yan2 zhong4 fa2 kuan3: severe penalty
收回: shou1 hui2: revocation
禁制令: jin4 zhi4 ling4: ban
终身监禁/ 终身監禁: zhong4 shen1 jian1 jin4: life sentence
死刑: si3 xing2: death penalty
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Childhood Blog
安监: work safety
安监局: Bureau of Work Safety
十二五计划:12th Five Year Plan
公伤:work-related injury
煤矿: coal mine
百分之十: ten percent
企业:company, firm, enterprise
Monday, October 17, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
China's Loop-hole Laws
China’s Loop-hole Laws
不诚实/不誠實:bu4 cheng2 shi2: dishonestly
道德降解: dao4 de2 jiang4 jie3: moral degradation
食物安全法: shi2 wu4 an1 quan2 fa3: food safety law
法制: fa3 zhi4: legal system
规定/規定: gui1 ding4: regulations
腐败/腐敗: fu3 bai4: corruption
贿赂/賄賂: hui4 lu4: to bribe
官员/官員: guan1 yuan2: government officials
曝光: bao4 guang1/ pu4 guang1: scandal
行政处罚/行政處法:xin2 zheng4 chu3 fa2: administrative penalties
扣留:kou4 liu2: confiscated
Civil Rights in China - Private Property
1. 权利 (quánlì) – right/priviledge
2. 人权 (rén quán) – human right
3. 产权 (chǎn quán) – property right
4. 财产 (cái chǎn) - property
5. 财产发展 (cái chǎn fā zhǎn) – property development
6. 横行 (héngxíng) – to riot/rebel/run amuck
7. 政府 (zhèng fŭ) - government
8. 夺 (duó) – to seize/take forcibly
9. 广东省 (guǎng dōng shěng ) – Guangdong Province
10. 调查 (diào chá) – to investigate/inquiry
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Youth Culture Blog
宣 Xuan1: to declare (major) or choose
家庭教师 jia1ting2 jiao4shi1: private teacher, tutor
讲价 jiang3jia4: bargain
互联网 hu4lian4wang3: internet
博客 bo2ke4: blog
卡拉OK ka3la1 ou1kei1: karaoke
乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2: ping pong
Friday Presentation Vocab
宣 Xuan1: to declare (major) or choose
家庭教师 jia1ting2 jiao4shi1: private teacher, tutor
讲价 jiang3jia4: bargain
互联网 hu4lian4wang3: internet
博客 bo2ke4: blog
卡拉OK ka3la1 ou1kei1: karaoke
乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2: ping pong
富 fu4: rich
政府 zheng4fu3: government
China's Food Scandal Widens
China’s Food Scandal Widens
肾脏/腎臟: kidney
故障: failure
毒剂/毒劑:a poison, a toxic agent
蛋: eggs
宠儿食物/寵兒食物:animal feed, pet food
次货/次貨: inferior goods, substandard products
食品厂/食品廠: food factory
塑胶/塑膠: plastic
Sunday, October 9, 2011
我问他要是他有一个标准买衣服。他说 ”要是我可以穿它,我喜欢它。质量,价钱,牌子都不在乎。”
“真的么!? 我想每个中国孩子很喜欢名牌。难道你不在乎你的时髦?“
latest fasion
Friday, October 7, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
我的最好的书是A Walk in the Woods.
Monday, September 19, 2011
烤豬:kao3 zhu1:roasted pig
炒飯:chao3 fan4: stir-fried rice
毒:du2: poison, poisonous
發出通知:fa1 chu1 tong1 zhi1: to send out a notification
警告:jing3 gao4: to warn
公民:gong1 min2: citizens
報告者:bao4 gao4 zhe3: reporter
發現:fa1 xian4: to discover, to find
法律:fa3 lv4: law
影蠁:ying3 xiang3: effect
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
China's Controversial New Marriage Law
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
PlecoDict for Android
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
这个秋天,我想多去公园散步。我在电视上看到的天气预报。下个星期的天气真不好。下个星期会下雨,下雪, 真糟糕!可是,我可以去公园滑冰。滑冰很好玩儿。冷的天气不错,但是我更喜欢暖和的天气。Texas 不但太热, 而且很不舒服。加州的天期非常好。 加州不但那么漂亮,而且有很多我的朋友。我刚才在网上找便宜的机票去加州。
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hurray for the Beijing Olympics
Prior to this class I had never seen the Beijing opening ceremony. I had seen the Olympics and watched as China triumphed and gained the most gold metals, albeit through cheating. You have to admit the Chinese really wanted to succeed and show to the world how awesome of a country they had become.
The first chance they got to do so was at the opening ceremony. It was spectacular. The massive amount of money seemed well spent. They technology was far advanced, more so than I have ever seen before. And the numbers of people performing bordered on the obscene. 15,000 performers were placed in the show, none of them were repeated. Only in China could this be done, like director Zhang Yimou said, China definately has the man power. An example can be exhibited by the fact that man power, human power, was used to generate and move the Chinese typing blocks.
The show was truely a spectacular show, one that I believe no other country could live up to. The show instilled a Chinese national pride in me that I didn't really know existed. Yes, I am Chinese; however, I believe being born and raised in the West has brought me different ideals and values than the traditional ones brought over from the old country by my forbearers. I believe this opening ceremony and the Beijing Olympic games in general brought Chinese all over the world this same pride. However, despite being extrememly prideful that China is seeking and being granted international recognition, I can't help but remember all the totalitarian moves the government made in order to ensure the success of the Beijing Olympics. Thousands of people were displaced and forced from their homes and car driving was restricted in order to reduce air pollution. Other conflicts include the brutality with which the Chinese government used to suppress Tibetan protesters.
Sometimes I wish I was just ignorant and didn't know the whole situation of China's authoritarianism. I really do. The ceremony was beautiful, but the lenghts to achieve such a success was not justified.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ai Weiwei's Artwork Travels, Despite Detainment
Ai WeiWei’s art is in New York but he isn’t. Ai Weiwei hasn’t been seen in over a month, since Chinese authorities took him into custody. In this article, the author talks about her interview with Ai before the Beijing Olympics. It is obvious, though frequent blogging, that Ai is adamant in his belief of freedom of speech. His art also conveys his bluntness (i.e. dropping the Han Dynasty vase; conversion of valuable antiques into works of art). As we discussed in class, much of his art represents the government’s destruction of priceless pieces of cultural sites for more modern edifices. Through his art, Ai Weiwei illustrates the facts of Chinese society, which is probably why he's being detained
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Hero is a story about a nameless, at first, hero that has slain the three most deadly assassins and because of tat granted an audience with the emperor. The emperor wants to know the whole story of how this Nameless defeated all three of these amazing martial artists.
As the hero is recounting the story I was awestruck. It seemed like I didn’t blink the entire movie. Her is one of if not the most beautiful scenic movies I have ever seen in my life. No matter where they were, dark, light, any color, it was all so breathtakingly beautiful. I in all honesty can say that every scene of this movie was picture perfect.
Though the filmography was amazing and stunningly put together the music also played a huge part in the film. The blind man playing the guzheng (I think that is what it is called) to the violins and cellos. Even the leaves in the fight between Mood and Falling Snow play music. It always set the mood for the fight about to occur.
The story cannot go without being mentioned. It holds its own against the beauty of the scenes and music. You soon realize that you cant trust anything you see or here. One story is a lie, the next a fantasy. The characters go through development as well they go from being mindless warriors to people with personalities. You get to know how they work, their bravery, love, and passions.
The way the story is told is an art style in itself. The story progresses and we see the same individuals fighting each other but in a progression of certain colors. Red symbolized chaos and passion, blur was unity and perfection, white for purity, truth, and vastness, and green for enlightenment and youth. Each relating to their story and how it pertained to what really happened.
There isn’t a bad thing I can think of about this movie. It was a treat for both Martial arts fans and general moviegoers. I cannot express how beautiful this movie is, every frame is perfect and gorgeous.
Monday, May 2, 2011
This man lives in an egg...made of grass.
What happens when a Chinese architect decides he is done wasting his money on the high cost of rent? He builds himself a solar-powered, bamboo egg covered in grass for $1000. Nifty! Unfortunately there is this thing called the Chinese government, and it isn't very found of Dai Haifei's new living arrangements (too environmentally friendly I assume). Haifei's mother and father considered buying their homeless son a house, but they "would have to make payments for 300 years to do so." Maybe he could move in with the old woman who lives in a shoe? Haha :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
China leads the way with greener cars
Ai Weiwei
Chinese Farmer Swaps Crops for New Job Inventing Robots
Chinese urbanization is continually taking people from the countryside to the cities. In this case, China is trying to support inventors, like Wu Lulu, by hosting competitions. The state is trying to take their growing economy to the next level: manufacturing to invention.
China's Middle Class Feels the Pinch of Rising Prices
As the standard of living rises in China, so do the costs, and many are not feeling any better off than their parents before them, despite having apartments and cars. The article also looks indirectly at a woman working in Shanghai unofficially - while it is not stated directly, the fact that she is sending money home so her children can go to school suggests she does not have a Shanghai registration card.
Zhang Yimou has created over a dozen films that are rich in their representation of Chinese culture and traditions. His film, Hero, is a tale about Nameless, a man who is planning to assassinate the King of Qin. It and is based on historical events that took place in 227 B.C. It is his first film in which he intertwines martial arts and the fine arts.
The use of color is a major technique Zhang Yimou employs in conveying the themes in the story. The same story is told three times in four different colors, each time from a different perspective. The first of the three versions of the story is told by Nameless and reveals how he tricked and defeated the other assassins. Black and red, the first two colors Zhang Yimou chose, are colors that represent evil. The predominant color in the beginning scene of the film is black. Lao Zi, the highly-revered mystic philosopher of ancient China, said “five colors make people blind.” Blind in this sense is equivalent to dark or black. The color black has significance in the first scene as it is used to convey deceit. Red overtones are also used to symbolize passion and danger.
In the second part of the film, the king tells his version of what happened. The king had encountered the assassins previously and created his story based on how the story would have played out according to their personalities. This sequence was shot in beautiful shades of blue which represent purity.
In the last section of the movie, the predominant color is white. This version of the story reveals events as they really happened. Therefore, white represents truth.
The thematic use of contrasting colors from black all the way to white not only effectively conveys the story’s central themes, but also results in a visually breathtaking and beautiful film.
One of the story’s central characters is the assassin, Broken Sword. He is driven by his desire for the king to create a unified country, “our land.” As the story unfolds, Broken Sword persuades Nameless to embrace his idea of “our land” and to abandon his plan to assassinate the king. The king of the state of Qin eventually became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 B.C. The movie plot builds on its concept of unity by having multiple stories that all come together at the end to form the truth. At very end of the movie, the color switches back to black and the king is pressured into killing Nameless. While this outcome is surprising, it adds a feeling of reality.
In Hero, Zhang Yimou skillfully and effectively juxtaposes fighting and art. He adds traditional Chinese music to the fighting scenes and even includes a scene in which students are doing calligraphy while the school is being penetrated and destroyed by thousands of arrows. Interestingly, while assassination is a central theme of the story, bloodshed is symbolically represented rather than overtly demonstrated. Zhang Yimou creates moments in which there should be a lot of blood and gore, but he chooses to only depict the bloodshed though droplets of blood falling off a sword to the floor. The only place in the film that shows the overt act of blood being drawn is the scene in which the assassin spares the king’s life and merely scratches his neck with a sword.
Hero is a very creative re-telling of the attempted assassination on the Qin King. It is artistically pleasing and action–packed, maintaining the viewer’s attention from beginning to end. The director’s imaginative use of color, music, and action stimulates the viewer’s imagination, resulting in a memorable film. This movie is considered a mile-stone in Chinese cinema and received international acclaim.
Facebook seeks to expand into China
While Facebook may be blocked in China, that hasn't stopped it and the Chinese internet company Baidu from entering talks to expand into the market, by creating a similar social networking style website. While meetings between the two company heads have begun, no set date for the project has been announced. Such a project will also have to meet with the government's approval, and submit to it's strict internet laws.
Smoking Ban In Public Places Starts Today In China
Legislation banning smoking in public places goes in effect today. Health officials hope to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking, as China's smoking population makes up 1/3 of the worlds smokers. Officials also cite smoking as contributing to 4 of the top 5 causes of death in China. Despite the extensiveness of the ban, some are saying it doesn't go far enough, as it does not ban smoking in offices, where it is up to managers to warn their employees of the dangers, but cannot stop them from smoking.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The complex story lines in Hero show how different aspects of the same story can be twisted to someone’s own agenda. Zhang Yimou successfully takes each storyline a step further, showing how just one piece of information can change the entire outcome of a story. For example, the image of Nameless is constantly in flux: from hero to assassin and back again. These aspects of the film are interesting and draw the viewer in enough that it can be easy to overlook some of the flaws in the storyline.
In the third telling of Nameless’ story, we discover that he has indeed set out to assassinate the emperor. This is where the story becomes rather odd. Nameless claims that he was an orphan brought up in the Qin Kingdom, but later discovered that he was born in the Zhou Kingdom. Because of this discovery, he has decided he must defend the Zhou against the kingdom and culture in which he grew up. Yet, where does this loyalty come from? If anything, it would make more sense to defend the Kingdom which sheltered him and fight against the Kingdom from which the family who abandoned him came. The story attempts to mostly imply Nameless’ reasoning, but instead this important plot point ends up mostly ignored.
The film’s philosophical ramblings on the symbolism of the character for sword and sacrifice for the greater good cover up some of these more questionable plot lines, as the symbolism becomes more important than the story itself. Even the martial arts become secondary to the ideals of peace. All of the assassins in the film, as well as the emperor himself, contemplate the importance of honor and whether or not a life should be given for the greater good. Much of the actually fighting done in the film is the result of deception and these philosophical debates rather than simply being fights to the top.
Overall, the film is artistically beautiful, and the martial arts live up to the standards for the genre. The storyline itself has a lot of potential in concept, but the film fails to completely carry it out. Were the plot behind the fighting and philosophical ponderings more filled out, the film would have been more complete.
Hero is one of those great movies that can be viewed and enjoyed on many levels. Zhang Yimou, the director is this martial arts masterpiece, hit the jackpot with this movie. On a purely entertainment level, it encompasses many types of enjoyment. The cinematography is pure genius, with stunning scenes shot from clever angles, breathtaking scenery, and elegant costumes. It appeals to the martial arts enthusiast while also allowing the romantic to sigh at the right moments. Zhang Yimou also sneaks in social commentary in a smooth enough manner that the unobservant eye may not notice, but the seasoned critic would notice, but not be offended by it. My only complaint about the movie, is not even with the movie itself, but the cover. The cover places Zhang Ziyi’s character, Moon, right next to Jet Li’s character, Nameless, who is the hero, implying Moon plays a much larger part than she does.
Hero starts out with sweeping scenes of an intimidating, faceless army of black and red, followed by faceless councilors in black robes. A single man, also dressed in black, is walked down the aisle, surrounded by all these people, strip searched, and then presented to the emperor of Qin as Nameless. It is then that you discover it is set during the chaotic time in China’s history when there were 6 kingdoms, constantly attacking each other, appropriately named Warring States Period. It is also when you realize the emperor of Qin is the man who eventually united China under one name and one language. The story of Hero is actually the telling of a tale being told multiple times, each time with a different series of events that come to the same conclusion. Nameless is an assassin targeting the king, however, his particular ability requires he be within ten steps of the king, a feat only possible if he kills two other assassins. He does so, and when kneeling in front of the king, begins to tell him how he does so. Nameless’ story is told many times, each telling is differentiated by color theme. The king of Qin discovers Nameless’ intentions and is at his mercy, but is spared.
Throughout the movie, color plays an important role. The cold, impersonal king who tries to encompass and unite China under any means necessary is connected to the black and red masses of his subjects. Each story has a different undertone to them, and each color of the scenery and costumes of the characters match the tone. The fresh, innocent greens, passionate reds, clean whites, and calm, reflective blues all symbolize the stories they follow perfectly.
The constant struggle between the individual and the masses which is a dominate topic in all of Zhang Yimou’s movies, such as To Life and Not One Less, is also in Hero. Nameless is a single man fighting against an empire and the emperor is a man against his subjects. A question of contemporary views on ethnic background is also brought up in Hero by the reason behind why Nameless wants to kill the king of Qin.
The acting of the actors are just a bonus to the movie. Jet Li and Daoming Chen both play their parts as the determined believers of their philosophies well. Zhang Ziyi’s character is virtually useless and only added as a means to draw attention to the movie. The most impressive acting in the movie is done by Maggie Cheung, as Flying Snow, and Tony Leung Chiu Wai, as Broken Sword. They both had to play parts with multiple different personalities, and did it well.
I have seen Hero twice now and each time I watch it, I see something new in it. Zhang Yimou has outdone himself in this movie, and it is a great site to see.
China's Population Control Creates Crisis
《英雄》, also known as Hero, is a radically different film from Zhang Yimou’s previous works. While there are certainly typical Zhang elements in this film, the differences are stark. Everything from the cinematography to ideological undertones is unique to Hero in a way not previously seen in a Zhang production. I would argue that this film represents a shift from Zhang’s previous experience as a cinematographer to his current role as producer/director. The camera work and political implications serve as evidence of this transformation.
In contrast to his previous films, Zhang focused far more on the characters themselves rather than the setting in which their lives play out. The overly long scenes of landscapes in which nothing was happening are gone. Instead, the beautiful scenery is merely a background to the events taking place. There are very few scenes without a character in them and almost none that are held for an extended period of time. An example of this is when Flying Snow and Broken Sword are waiting for Nameless to return from his assassination attempt while standing on mountain steeps. The camera pans far out to where you see both characters as mere white specs against the orange-brownish background, yet it does not stay there for a grueling amount of time. This insertion of people coupled with shorter time frames makes for a more continuous flow of narration while maintaining the beautiful scenic shots Zhang so favors.
The nature of Hero’s political commentary is also quite different from Zhang’s previous films. In Not One Less and To Live, the issues were mostly rooted in physical issues, like starvation and murder, rather than the ideological turmoil of Hero. While they are both contemporary problems, the extremely critical exegesis of this film is of a grander, more international scale than any of Zhang’s other works. Whether the peace-through-violence ideology is moral or ethical is a hotly contested issue explicitly expressed by the mixed reactions to this film. Many critics believe Zhang is promoting this ideal in allowing Nameless to let the Qin emperor live. I must respectfully disagree with this belief, since it is completely evident that the emperor’s tactics only bring death and destruction, not peace. In fact, as Professor Robert Eng of the University of Redlands stated in his paper “Is Hero a Paean to Authoritarianism?,” “the [Qin] dynasty went down in the flames of rebellions provoked by its cruelty.” This empirical evidence is all that is needed to prove the peace-through-bloodshed method is not only flawed, but retrogressive.
In Hero, Zhang Yimou created a truly breathtaking and powerful film unlike any of his other movies. Through his use of solid script writing and more viewer-friendly cinematography, his transition from cameraman to director is finally realized in this film. The gorgeous scenery, beautiful fight scenes, and engaging plot come together to form a dazzling movie with deep commentary, something every moviegoer can appreciate.